BarBandLife! Learn to Pour, Play and, Live a Better Life!

BarBandLife! Learn to Pour, Play and, Live a Better Life!



What does that mean anyway? Well, let’s break it down and get a feel for what’s happening.

First, this is not a website called ‘Barb and Life’ –  A website for a woman named Barbara. A wine-drinking, mom of three, that’s divorced, loves Yoga and crafting for her Etsy shop.

Although that might be a nice site and who am I to step on Barb’s dreams.

Bar. Band. Life

There are three things we’ll be covering here. Can you guess what they might be? 

That’s right! Yoga, crafts and wine! 

No, that’s not it! Although, not entirely untrue.

We’re going to talk about Bartending and the bar life style. 

Were going to discuss Bands and playing music for live audiences. 

And lastly, Life. What is it? Can I get better at it? And why is the sky blue?

This is a place for you, the Bartender and Musician,  who’s looking for a path towards a better life!


What’s that mean? Are we gonna raise the bar? Pass the bar? In a sense…Yes. 

So you’ve just started bartending, huh? Or maybe you want to become a bartender? This is a bold choice! Be prepared for a life of interesting encounters, fun and exciting work experiences, and hours upon hours of…standing.

Bartending is a great skill to learn if you’re into crafting, creating, performing, or discourse. Every day is an opportunity to learn about something or someone new, discuss politics, entertainment, or string theory. 

We’re going to learn about alcohol, wine, beer, flavors, techniques, and perhaps most frightening of all – the general public! 

The Bartender lifestyle usually runs counter to that of the rest of the world. When other people are working, you are off. When other people are off work and out having fun, you’re working.

Chances are you’ll have to work nights and weekends. A lot. If there’s a concert or party you want to go to you’ll have to take off work. Or you’ll show up to the party late. Really late. But the good news is, if you want to go for a hike or take in a museum or matinee, you’ll have the place to yourself. Mostly.

If your the type of person that loves people and loves your solitude even more, then bartending might be right for you. You’ll be up to your eyeballs with people. All kinds. But you’ll also have lots of time for yourself. And with that free time, you might want to learn to play an instrument or sing better. This leads us to…


What do you think of when you hear – Band? A band of merry men? A band of brothers? An endless loop, like a band of gold? Or perhaps it’s just the thought of a bunch of friends drinking beer and chasing tail. Well yes, it’s all those things!

Playing in a band is one of the greatest memory makers you can embark on. You’ll spend hours of grueling practice trying to make yourselves sound better. There’ll be endless discussions about what songs to play and what is the best song to open your set with. You’ll fight over the stupidest little mistakes and you’ll hopefully craft a unique and one of a kind sound in the process. 

Bands tend to take on a personality of their own. An amalgam of personalities and intentions that will ‘lay down the boogie and play that funky music ’til you die’!

The band has many moving pieces and a clear structure is needed. You’ll need to meet and agree on everything from songs, arrangements, rehearsals, gig dates, and even wardrobe. Plus, someone will have to be in charge of feeding the drummer. 

Even if you’re not in a band and you’re just going out to play solo with your guitar or bagpipes, you’ll still need a clear path forward. 

So were going to lay out some best practices for you in your musical journey. Things like, how and when to practice, what to practice, what songs to learn, how to write original songs, where to play gigs, how to get gigs, and how to rock!

The Band and bartending lifestyle can go hand in hand. Each has its strengths and freedoms which will allow you to thrive and grow in your creative…


All of this would be meaningless if you didn’t use it to create a great life for yourself. I mean seriously, what’s the point?

And so here we are going to focus on things that you can do to help yourself, and those around you, live a better life!

Were going to discuss and implement actionable strategies to help you become an even better version of yourself.

“But I’m already awesome!” you say.

That may be true. And if it is then get ready to be – Awesomer!!

Using proven techniques we’ll learn and put into action activities and projects to help us live a happier and more balanced life. We’ll learn the benefits of a structured morning routine and how to incorporate things like meditation, journaling, exercise, and education into our day to give us a daily boost.

“Morning routine? But I’m a bartender. I’m a musician. I don’t do mornings.” you might be crying.

You do mornings! They just might not be at the crack of dawn. Because let’s face it, that’s probably when you’re heading off to bed anyways.

But we’ll learn about how to start the day off with a positive step, plus lots of other tips and techniques to help you stay happy, healthy, and focused.

So are you ready? It’s time to start moving forward and rocking out!!

It’s time to start crafting better cocktails, playing better music, and living a better life!!

A Bar Band Life!!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Pat

    I love it! Teach me the lessons of Life, Shaman of the Cocktail Shaker.

    1. Steve

      Thanks, Pat! Listen, watch, and learn grasshopper!

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