How to Use The Four Agreements to Pour, Play and Live a Happier Life!

How to Use The Four Agreements to Pour, Play and Live a Happier Life!

Pour,Play and Live Happier!

Face it. You want to live a happier life with no stress. You want to feel and exude joy. Perhaps you want to be happy and you want the people around you to feel the same. How can you do that?

Well, for starters you can start by looking inward and also seeking out wisdom and knowledge from the world around you. Perhaps you might start searching online for wisdom and happiness and you might come across a blog. Maybe you might even find a blog about bartending and being a better musician. And that blog might even have a post about how you can find wisdom and knowledge from a book. Sounds crazy, huh? So, pinch yourself because you’ve found that place!

I’ve made it a point in my bartending and musician journey to seek out wisdom from the people around me. You’d be surprised at the tidbits of information I’ve received.

For instance, “There are literally hundreds of dollars to be made in the music business!”

And also, “Don’t count your tips until the end of the night.”

In other words, just know that – Success isn’t gonna happen all at once. And it probably won’t happen the way you think it should.

Seriously, don’t sweat the small stuff.

Level Up Your Life!

It’s always important to feed your brain. With that in mind it would be a good idea for you to start reading. And not just Instagram, Twitter and stupid social media posts. Feed your mind! Go big!  Read a book! Yes, a book! And the first book I’m going to suggest you read is a real doozy! It’ll take a real commitment on your part. It’s gigantic in scope. It is earth shaking, mind bending, life changing and just plain awesome! And it’s only about 138 pages long, so it’s not going to take a major time suck commitment from you.  You might just gain some insight into what it means to be a better human. And seriously, isn’t that what the world needs more of right now. Better humans?

So who wrote  ‘The Four Agreements’? It was written by Don Miguel Ruiz, a surgeon, who after a near death experience, decided to revisit his family history and ancestral teachings and in doing so discovered a path to personal freedom. It’s filled with ancient Toltec wisdom and teachings. Simple, but powerful.


What Four Things am I Agreeing to?

So what are the Four Agreements? Well, if you read the book you’d find out! But I get it, you’re busy trying to level up in ’Call of Duty’ or ‘Candy Crush.’

I’ll tell you what they are, but you have to promise you’ll read the book. Okay?

What is an ‘agreement’ anyhow? It’s an understanding. It’s a pact. A challenge to be fulfilled. An action that you take to propel you forward towards success. A commitment, like – “I’m going to commit to read a 138 page book in an effort to better myself! As soon as I level up in Candy Crush.” Just like that.

The Four Agreements are as follows –

Words Have Power on a chalk board


Words are powerful things. When you speak you should speak with integrity. It’s often been said that people can speak things into existence. Well, its true! Think about this as you go through your day. Have you ever noticed someone talking about something so much that it comes true? It happens! For instance, I have a friend who I introduced to a girl I knew and he said to me, “I’m going to marry that girl one day!” He then proceeded to tell that to everyone who would listen. Well, they’ve been married now for almost 20 years!

Try to use words and language that are uplifting and positive. Talk about the positive things you encounter. Don’t talk down to yourself or others. (Like I did just a few paragraphs back when I made fun of you for playing ‘Candy Crush’! Admittedly we all have some work to do!)

Try not to engage in gossip about other people. This is so true. Especially, at the Bar, or with your bandmates. It’s so easy to fall into that trap. Don’t do it. Instead, talk about concepts and ideas with people, not just gossiping with people about other people.  Use your words to move in the direction of truth and love! Peace out!

Agreement written on Paper


Everyone is on their own personal path. When they make decisions or say things it is for their own purpose. They are deciding what they want their reality to be. Not yours. Their behavior is not doing anything for you or to you. They are creating their own life.

When you can let yourself be free, understanding that you can be immune to the words and actions of others, you will not suffer from their opinions and actions.

Don’t let other peoples words and actions dictate your feelings or happiness. It’s like the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me.” Schoolyard wisdom at its’ finest!

So don’t get all wound up about what other people say about you, ya big poopy butt!!

See? That didn’t bother you at all, did it?

Don't Assume on a card held by a man


You need to find the courage to ask questions and let others know what you want. Yes, sometimes this can be difficult, but it gets easier with practice.

This is commonly known as – communication.

Letting others know exactly what you want and what you expect to happen is a key to your happiness. You can’t just assume that other people know what you want. Or what you need. Or what you’re hoping to accomplish. You need to tell them! Have discussions. Make plans. Share ideas. Doing this will eliminate misunderstandings and needless drama in your life.

models of runners striving


You should always be striving to be a better version of yourself. If you’re playing music, you should practice to try and get better. Doing your best doesn’t mean that you have to be the best in the world. It means that you just do your best. Putting your best foot forward. Always try to perform at your top levels.

Doing your best of course can change from moment to moment. What if your sick? In pain? Of course you won’t be your absolute best in these times, but if you remember to still do the best you can in these moments you’ll be on the right path. If you know in your heart you’ve done your best you will avoid self doubt, self abuse and regret.

It’s always better to regret something you have done rather than something you haven’t.

Better yet, life a life without regret by always doing and being your best self!

So there you have it, The Four Agreements!

Hopefully you’ll find some time to read the book. There’s much more detail and wisdom inside those pages.

Do you have some sage advice? Any tips or tricks that help you live your best life?

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